Integrated survey implementation environment

PS QUAESTIO PRO is a comprehensive solution for data collection and analysis. The program gives the possibility to conduct research using various research techniques, such as CATI, CAWI, PAPI, CAPI or MOBI. The user has the possibility to control the research process, this includes: verifying the correctness of the entered data, managing the sample selection, generating e-mailing campaigns, etc. The collected data can be analyzed using PS IMAGO PRO (the extended version of IBM SPSS Statistics), which provides access to many analytical techniques and data management tools. Based on the collected data, PS QUEASTIO PRO allows the user to quickly prepare attractive reports in the form of dashboards or printed reports.


Easy creation of questionnaires

PS QUAESTIO PRO allows the user to efficiently create complex surveys with numerous transition rules, access to multimedia files and data validation. A powerful wizard allows the user to make the surveys attractive graphically.

Efficient use of data

The use of different techniques (CAWI, MOBI, CAPI and CATI) to collect data helps to better match the communication channel to the target group and increase response rates. A wide range of tools allows the user to monitor the research process, take mass actions towards the persons who have not taken part in the survey, and create automatic reports.

Exchange of information with systems

Possibility of conducting the research using data from external systems - e.g. use in real time of information about events determining participation in the study, or the content of the questions asked. Providing full data exchange security.

Raising the response rate

The researchers have a number of tools at their disposal to increase the number of completed questionnaires, including the possibility of customization, sending reminders, changing the survey technique or using information about the moment of abandonment of any previous questionnaires.

Basic and advanced data analysis

The data collected can be analyzed immediately after the end of the survey. The range of available statistical techniques goes beyond exploratory analysis. It covers a wide range of statistical tests, strengths of measures of association, classification and segmentation techniques as well as prediction. The results can be presented in the form of charts as well as on maps.

Web and text reports

The results of the survey can be adjusted to the needs of customers. The user can use a web report (.html), which is available to authorized recipients. The objects in the report can be automatically updated. The results may also be presented in a document (.docx .pdf), which, when printed, may be part of the documentation.

Online distribution of reports

A web report is the fastest way to publish results. It is available from the browser level for all authorized recipients. In the case of cyclical reports, they can be executed automatically as part of the process. In this case, after generating a scheduled report, the system can send a notification to selected users.

For whom?

Marketing Manager

We reach customers all over the world. Only the collection and collation of information gathered in different languages allows me to answer the key questions for the company.

My business is international in nature and all planned global changes must be supported by evidence of their legitimacy. Therefore, it is extremely important for me to be able to obtain information from every corner of the world. The key elements that I pay attention to are the ability to reach a high number of participants in their native language and the ability to easily compare the data collected in this way. It is also important to be able to modify the visual elements.

Head of the Research and Analysis Department

Automatic and continuous monitoring of data quality, verification of data increments and reporting of results.

When making important decisions, we verify the opinions of citizens and constantly monitor social sentiment. These surveys are expected by decision-makers and provide recommendations.

Senior Specialist, strategy division

Reporting requires continuously updated and reliable information. A reporting study gives me an effective tool to obtain such information.

In the case of public administration units, it is important to collect data that are strictly of reporting value. The form of the report must be adjusted to the statutory requirements. A major obstacle is the dispersion and lack of systemic coherence between various territorial units. Effective acquisition of this type of information requires an extensive control functionality, such as cross validations, summaries of given responses, printouts of confirmations etc. the collection of data that are strictly of reporting value. The form of the report must be adapted to the statutory requirements. A huge obstacle here is the dispersion and lack of systemic cohesion between various territorial units. Effective acquisition of this type of information requires a very complex control functionality such as: cross validations, summaries of granted responses, printouts of confirmations, etc.

Expert, quality office

The management appreciate information about cooperation between the departments. We are able to continuously improve weak elements of the communication process.

Periodic analysis of the quality of cooperation between different departments is one of the most effective ways to control this area of business activity. Using the knowledge provided through PS QUAESTIO PRO, I can quickly respond to disturbing symptoms by e.g. putting adequate corrective procedures in place. Initially, the project was a pilot one. Currently, almost all management staff at the various levels of responsibility use the results obtained.

Offered functions

Quickly create and launch surveys

PS QUAESTIO PRO is equipped with an intuitive graphical interface that gives the user the ability to design visually attractive survey questionnaires and forms. As a result, the process of creating surveys of any length, even with very complex logic, is fast and simple.

The system gives the possibility to immediately start the process of collecting responses while maintaining maximum efficiency and quality of collected data.

Study implementation by means of various research techniques

The central panel allows for the management of simultaneous implementation of research projects conducted using various research techniques (CATI, CAWI, CAPI, PAPI). The user has full control over the process, can verify correctness of the entered data, manage the selection of the sample, or generate mass e-mails. The technology ensures security in access to research projects and to the questionnaire, while maintaining confidentiality of the responses.

Conducting research with off-line techniques

PS QUAESTIO PRO includes solutions for off-line research (CAPI and PAPI). The system is equipped with a number of solutions facilitating direct interviews, including a clear interface for entering answers and a module for recording selected interview fragments. It also has a mechanism for validation and coding of questionnaire questions from paper interviews. In addition, it allows for automatic combining of all answers for studies conducted with different techniques.

Universal, multilingual questionnaires

Once prepared, a questionnaire can be used many times in different language versions and in any form of implementation - as an online survey, a telephone interview or a paper questionnaire. The tools available in PS QUAESTIO PRO to facilitate the translation of questionnaires and their preparation for the survey are helpful in this respect. The work is also facilitated by the possibility of simultaneous, mass sending of invitations in many language versions.

Surveys using quota samples

The program allows to carry out research with a quota mechanism using a quick and simple solution. Individual quotas determined by the researcher may be calculated on the basis of survey questions or values defined in the database of survey participants. A survey implemented with the use of a quota sample allows the researcher, among other things, to control who will take part in the survey.

Easy sending of invitations to the survey

Defining mailing campaigns to respondents on the basis of selected criteria. PS QUAESTIO PRO allows the user to plan and send invitations and reminders according to the schedule. It is also possible to personalize the content on the basis of information contained in the database of participants - this creates an impression of direct contact, increasing the response rate.

Survey progress reporting

Real-time access to a set of statistics and diagnostic charts for any research project, which can also be viewed on Android and iOS mobile devices. An analysis of the survey progress report can be helpful in determining when to send a reminder to participants about the survey, at which question the respondents most often drop out of the survey, or how long it takes to complete the survey.

Access to a wide range of analytical techniques and tools

PS QUAESTIO PRO is based on IBM SPSS Statistics engine, which is a proven tool for quantitative data analysis. It offers numerous techniques for e.g. descriptive analysis, forecasting, prediction, classification and grouping. The engine has been extended by several dozen procedures. As a result, PS QUAESTIO PRO offers methods of managing data sets, transforming variables, analyzing dependencies and a number of new types results visualization, which were not available in IBM SPSS Statistics before.

Creating reports in a corporate standard

With the output analytical objects, the report author can easily prepare a customized information set. The report's definable elements include: layout, structure with navigation, style, appearance, format, descriptions and comments on objects. This allows for preparation of results in accordance with the standard of the organization. The finished report, depending on the established form, can be published on the company's website or simply sent as a PDF document.

Distribution of analytical content to eligible recipients

PS QUAESTIO PRO allows the user to create a unique distribution environment - for their own reports or for the whole company. Reports can be made available to specific users or separated groups of users according to their privileges. The reports collected in the repository are organized within a folder structure that can reflect, for example, the company's organizational structure or its business objectives.

Automation of repetitive processes

The possibility of permanent access to up-to-date information is crucial for the efficient operation of any company. This does not apply only to repetitive reports. In the case of ad hoc reports, it is often the case that published documents differ only in data. Until now, updating such a report required objects to be re-created and exported in IBM SPSS Statistics. Now, thanks to the available functionality, the process of updating and publishing ad hoc and cyclical reports (e.g. quarterly ones) is automated.

New in version 9.0

We strive to improve our products,
so that your data will work better for you.


PS QUAESTIO PRO 9.0 – the integrated questionnaire survey environment is available now! Among the new features worth mentioning are:


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Customer reviews

The project was prepared in an impressively short time of 14 days. The surveys were conducted in Europe and Asia on a group of nearly 2 million customers, in several languages. The solution had the capacity to handle 100,000 visits and nearly 50,000 surveys. The commercial concern which the study was conducted for described it as innovative.


Marcin Sobek,

Comarch S.A.

Using the validation option of the questionnaire, we can provide a logically coherent, complete and fully described data structure. As a result, we can provide the customer with a ready, prepared database, practically just after the end of the last interview.


Marcin Rzepka,

PMR Ltd. Sp. z o.o.

Regardless of the size of the research group, the jointly prepared research project can be easily modified and extended. In the course of a study we have the possibility to easily monitor the study progress and manage it from any place with Internet access.


Agata Zarzycka,

Lazarski University

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Questionnaire survey

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Martin  Young

Martin Young

VP International



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